Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV)


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. 

Who's at risk from RSV

RSV is very common. Almost all children get it at least once before they're 2 years old.

It's not usually serious, but some babies and adults have a higher risk of getting seriously ill, particularly:

  • babies under 6 months old
  • children who were born prematurely
  • adults over 75 years
  • babies, children and older adults with a weakened immune system, or long-term lung or heart conditions
  • In babies, RSV is a common cause of a type of chest infection called bronchiolitis. This can cause breathing problems and may need to be treated in hospital.

RSV can also cause a serious lung infection (pneumonia) in babies and older adults.

NHS - Respiratory Syncytial Virus Information

GOV UK - Respiratory Syncytial Virus Information


Published: Aug 29, 2024